Postgradutes Admission Requirements

Documents Required For Enrollment in A Master's Degree:-

- Application for admission (a form from the graduate studies sector in the college).

  • - The original mechanized birth certificate (civilians only)
  • - A copy of the national ID card / passport for civilians and a copy of the military ID (for the military)
  • - Four (4) recent personal photos
  • - The original Bachelor’s degree for holders of a Bachelor’s degree from a university outside Egypt (Equation from the Supreme Council of Universities in Cairo)
  • - Statement of grades and grades
  • - The original certificate of excellence
  • - A medical certificate documented that it is free from infectious diseases from Kobry El-Kobba Hospital
  • - Pass the English language test at the Armed Forces College of Medicine
  • -Security certification of civilians
  • - Approval of the employer for registration and full-time study As for teaching assistants and representatives, the approval of the head of the department for enrollment and enrollment For military personnel from outside the college, approval of the Training Branch of the Medical Services Department For free doctors (a recent free doctor certificate from the Physicians Syndicate) For expatriates, the approval of the Military Intelligence Department (the Military Attaché Service) .
  • - Receipt of payment of tuition fees .
  • - File for a capsule to save papers + 3 transparent files, letter U.


Registration requirements:-

  • Enrollment requirements for the degree:

- Masters in Medicine and Universities.

- As for the acceptance of the student with an acceptable grade.

- In addition, a full course or training course (Franchise) and an Internship Course in a Franchise Course.


  • Rules of Entry and Coordination of Admission:

-Enrollment for a master's degree is done once a year.

-The college makes internal coordination for applicants according to a number of criteria and weights. Students are informed of them before submitting registration papers by announcing these criteria. The results of student coordination are announced after the closing of the application period. The criteria and weights on which the internal coordination of students is based are represented in the following points :-

o The first criterion: the general grade for the bachelor's degree.

o The second criterion: the university from which the student graduated (Faculty of Medicine in the Armed Forces - other medical faculties).

o The third criterion: the estimate of the specialization subject to be registered in, in addition to the total (cumulative) grades.

o Fourth Standard: The capacity of the departments to be registered in to grant the scientific degree.

o Fifth Standard: Graduation year (the maximum period of time from the date of graduation is determined according to the decision of the College Education Council).

  • Degree hierarchy:

- The duration of the study in the first part is six months, while the duration of the study in the second part is eighteen months.

- The concerned departments, under the supervision of the College’s Graduate Curriculum Committee, develop descriptions of the master’s degree programs and courses within the credit hours mentioned in the bylaw, and approved by the department council, then approved by the Graduate Studies Committee and then the College Council.

- The master's degree specification includes compulsory courses, elective courses, practical/clinical training, and other study activities, as well as a research thesis.

- The responsibility for fulfilling the educational outcomes of the degree program lies primarily with the awarding departments, and accordingly, cooperation with other participating departments in the degree program must be made within the limits of achieving these outputs.

- The joint departments in the degree program (the granting department and the department based on teaching and evaluating joint courses) hold a meeting at the beginning of the program to agree on setting the description of the required courses in line with the educational and skill outcomes of the program.

- The head of the department awarding the degree council assumes the full supervision of the degree program or nominates someone on his behalf to supervise, provided that this nomination is approved by the department council granting the degree at the beginning of the academic year and informs the college council of this nomination, and the department council nominates decision coordinators And the trainers who supervise the training courses for the degree.

- The duties of the degree program coordinator are to supervise the description of the degree program and all courses to ensure that these courses fulfill all the educational outputs of the program.

- The department coordinators for the degree courses from outside the specialization shall cooperate with the coordinators of these courses from the participating departments in order to describe these courses and participate in the follow-up of the examination progress and the extent of commitment to their description, with submitting a report to the head of the department council.

- The coordinators of the participating departments of the degree courses from outside the specialization undertake all the work of these courses from teaching, training and assessment, in addition to cooperating with the coordinators of the degree-granting department in supervising the progress of the educational process in light of the commitment to the description of these courses.

- In the event of non-compliance with the description by the coordinators of the participating departments, the coordinator of the department granting the degree submits a report in this regard to the head of the department’s council, granting the degree to take the necessary action within the limits of redistributing the question marks or questions that do not match the description to the rest of the questions in the written paper.

- The course coordinators and the trainers supervising the training courses for the degree ensure that the student registers all educational and training activities in the student’s educational log book, which depends on the training officials in the department and college and then the head of the department council. And the skills and activities that take place outside the program for the departments that create the educational file model (portfolio). 

  • Register for the message:

- The thesis project is registered after passing the final exam for the compulsory courses for the first part and completing all educational and training courses.

- When writing the thesis protocol, it should be taken into account that it should be a research thesis and not a scientific article so that the student is trained on the mechanisms, ethics and goals of scientific research.

- It may be a retrospective message for academic majors with research retrospective performance and based on the merits these departments present at the beginning of the academic year, and it is approved by the Graduate Studies Committee, then the Graduate Studies Committee, and then the College Council.

- It is taken into account to add a supervisor from among the group of supervisors from the place of conducting the research in the event that it is conducted outside the hospitals of the armed forces, provided that the special conditions for this apply to him in accordance with the Law on the Organization of Universities

- The main supervisor should be among the faculty members of the Faculty of Medicine in the Armed Forces.

It is not permissible for a faculty member to supervise the research thesis submitted by one of his relatives up to the fourth degree, with the application of this to all work of assessing the degree of examinations of all kinds or other assessment systems. It is also not permissible to participate in the judging committee on the thesis.

- The number of supervisors for a master’s thesis shall not be less than two and not more than three (or as stipulated in the Universities Organizing Law in this item), provided that the supervisors of the thesis determine their roles in supervising each according to his degree and specialization.

- The student has the right to discuss the thesis after nine months from the date of its registration, provided that the discussion and approval of the thesis take place at least two weeks before applying for the final part two exam

  • Responsibilities:

- The main responsibility for the postgraduate examinations is on the head of the department board that awarded the degree or the program's course rapporteur, from the faculty members.

- A tripartite committee of professors and faculty members is formed to set and supervise exams after the approval of the awarding department councils and participation in the degree program.

  • Dates of the final exam contract for the first and the second part:

- Each part of the master's part is followed by a comprehensive final exam (written and practical / clinical and oral).

- The student has the right to submit an application to enter the exam one month before the exam date, and the application deadline is closed one week before the exam starts.


  • Evaluation System:

- For each credit hour of the compulsory courses (50) degrees are allocated, bearing in mind that the percentage of written exams is 25%, the percentage of scientific / clinical exams is 55%, 5% is for oral exams, and 15% is for continuous assessment. The departments take into account the evaluation rules approved by the Graduate Studies Committee and College Council at the beginning of the academic year.

- The time for one written paper is three hours for any course or number of courses shared in the same paper.

- The student has the right to sit for the final exam after completing 75% of the credit hours for each part of the degree, or as determined by the College Board of Education at the beginning of the academic year. The educational (logbook) is one of the training officials in the department and college and the head of the department council, as well as documenting all the educational skills of the program, skills and activities for the departments that create the portfolio model.

- For the continuous assessment exams (part one or part two), each part of the master’s degree includes a number of tests for continuous assessment, represented by a multiple-choice written test or an applied test after half the period for the first part or in the form of a multiple-choice written, clinical or practical test Or applied at the end of each semester (two exams in total) for the second part.

- For the final exams (part one or part two), if the student fails the final written exam at the end of the first or second part, the student repeats the failed course(s) only for two consecutive times other than the first time (this applies to courses with a common induction quality) and in In case the number of failure times is exhausted, the student repeats the entire course of the part.

- In the event of repeated failure and the exhaustion of the registration period for the degree program, the degree will be canceled or the student may be given one exceptional opportunity after the approval of the Department Council, the Graduate Studies Committee and the College Council.


  • Requirements for obtaining the degree (required to obtain a master's degree): -

- Completion of all academic courses and clinical/practical and laboratory exercises with a percentage of not less than 75% of the total credit hours, or as determined by the Education Council at the beginning of the academic year.

- Completion of all elective courses.

- Research dissertation license.

- Pass all the final exams for the first and second parts.

- The student obtains a detailed certificate for the master's degree that contains the grades and the credit hours achieved in all components of the degree, as well as the title of the master's thesis.


  • Registration period:

- The student remains registered for a master’s degree for a period not exceeding 6 years, as a maximum. The department regarding the possibility of re-registering the student to the same degree or transferring the student to another degree in another major.


  • Department of Medical Education and Scientific Research:

- A personal interview with a committee from the department awarding the degree is required.

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